Our pride in our work is driven by our desire to keep you riding .
Don’t Neglect It.
Routine maintenance. It’s not just routine, it’s crucial to the long term safety and longevity of your bike and its vital parts. Putting off something simple like a chain replacement can prematurely wear out other, more expensive parts on your bike.
Things like brake pads can wear out faster than expected, which can damage other items or even lead to dangerous conditions on the parts you rely on to stop. Suspension and bearings need regular maintenance to keep them working properly for many years and avoiding expensive replacement costs.
Our comprehensive tune up packages are designed to check all of the critical wear items on your bike, make the necessary safety adjustments and get you back riding for many more miles.
Bring your bike by today and let us give it a look!
Tune-Up Pricing
Tune-Up - $119.00
We clean and polish your bike, then give it a top to bottom, multi point inspection. We take care of safety critical items such as tightening all bolts to proper torque, adjusting and inspecting the braking and shifting systems, checking the chain and drivetrain for wear, cleaning and lubing the chain, and adjusting the hubs, headset and bottom bracket. We also check and true (straighten) your wheels and inflate tires to the proper pressure. The perfect start to your riding season!